SIRCO Controls Limited manufacture a range of Fixed Site and Portable Effluent Samplers that have been awarded Product Conformity Certificates by Sira Certification Services in compliance with the Environment Agency’s Monitoring Certification Scheme mcerts.

We have been awarded two certificates, SIRA MC070105 for the GENIE-J, GENIE-B, GENIE-J/UWWTR and GENIE-B/UWWTR Portable Samplers and Certificate No. SIRA MC070106 for the GENIE-M/UWWTR, GENIE-M, GENIE-M/R, GENIE-M/VBV, GENIE-M/R/VBV, GENIE-P, GENIE-P/VBV and GENIE-K Fixed Site Samplers.

Having already gained E32 (UWWTD) Compliancy on it’s GENIE-J, GENIE-B & GENIE-M Samplers it was a natural progression to have these Samplers and the rest of the GENIE Range approved to the Environment Agency’s Monitoring Certification Scheme.
All of our mcerts approved Samplers will now carry the Product Certification Mark with the relevant Certificate Number.
Both Certificates can be downloaded in PDF Format by clicking the relevant link below or alternatively from the CSA Group (Sira Certification Service) Website.
Further details of the Environment Agency’s Monitoring Certification Scheme can be found by visiting the EA Website.